RFP 21-01 Audit Services





Public Notice is hereby given that the Town of Elsmere is accepting proposals for Auditing Services.  RFP 21-01 is available at the Elsmere Town Hall (11 Poplar St. Elsmere, DE 19805) or via e-mail request ([email protected]) and contains specification and requirements for the requested services.

Proposals must be received in the Town of Elsmere’s Finance Department, located at 11 Poplar Avenue, Elsmere, DE 19805 By no later than 2:00PM on Monday, April 26, 2021.  A virtual public bid opening will occur at the Elsmere Town Hall via Micro Soft Zoom at approximately 2:15 PM on April 26, 2021.  Details for the virtual bid opening are included in the RFP.

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United States: +1 (571) 317-3122

Access Code: 789-709-245

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